God's Speed Buddy. There will be a tremendous void in all of the lives you have had a positive influence with. Mostly all of us in the club has interfaced with Buddy either at the tech area or technical questions asked for our race cars. I am sure he has helped us all in a big way throughout his tenure as Tech Director for NED. I want to suggest that CMDR passes the hat at our next meeting for personal contributions from the members as well as our club adding to that donation so we can show our gratitude to the charity listed in the obituary.

I also want to give recognition to Ryan Hadley for his generous personal donation of 1/2 his winnings for the Top 16 race on October 19th and Justin Bruso for adding to that with his own donation from his winnings of the Gamblers race. You guys set the stage now it is up to the rest of us to show what Buddy meant to the rest of the CMDR club members.
