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View Full Version : Meeting is October 29,2015

Craig Rice
10-19-2015, 07:43 PM
Please do not forget that the meeting is October 29th and we would like as many members there as possible as we are looking or someone to take over the position of being the President of this club. Without a President let's face this club will not go anywhere. Ryan has done a great job over the past years with running this club and has put a lot of dedication in keeping it going, please do not let this club start to fall apart, someone has to want to take over his seat. I will be staying on as Vice president and even though I have made a commitment to my sons Jr. dragster program I will be with the person who wants to take over reins every step of the way. Dan and Steve are also there, we all lean on each other on the board for helping one another out. If anyone wants to contact me please do so either by email Rice371@yahoo.com or text 508-479-4614.

Craig Rice
10-27-2015, 07:37 AM
Please remember to come to this meeting, we have a few things to go over and would like to have a good amount of members there.